So There, Life!
Warning, the happy picture is probably the nicest thing about this posting.
There's something to be said for the innocent 3rd grader who shows everyone the bandaid on her middle digit.
Wednesday is my song and dance day; 4 tough classes back to back before lunch, throw in a few violent kids, a lack of aides to travel with them, and I'm exhausted by 4:00.
(Some of the following are real scenarios, and have happened to various teachers in my school. I have not named names.)
What do we do with the big kids who just say no to teachers? What do we do with the little ones who head butt teachers and bite aides and other students? At our school, apparently nothing. So I've taken to whispering instructions to these few. If they don't do it, the other kids will not see them not listening to me. So, the child and I are not in a power contest with each other.
One of the teacher unions sent a student discipline survey around for us to fill out. It mentioned the safe schools act of 1995. I wrote in, what happened to safe schools for teachers?
Just because one child has a right to the same education as everyone else, should not mean that he takes away everyone elses right to learn by bullying, biting, and, or distracting (like crawling on the floor waving a confederate flag, poking other children when they ignore him).
I have 30 years before I retire. Unless I consider a career change before that. I love my job too much now to think about that, but what happens when the honeymoon is over...