Black Friday
You all know what today is: today is the day I wish I could be shopping, even if it's online (my favorite type on black friday), but I can't shop because I'm still broke. Two paychecks later and my bank account is still recouperating from my brief elated illusion of wealth because I have my first "real job". I think it'll take a few more paychecks until I can pay for something other than bills and food. Oh well, it felt good while it illusions that I was Donald Trump....
On the other hand, today I can set a Christmas budget and make some lists. I don't intend on buying much, my girls have everything thing they need. I always "boggie" (remnants of flylady) their toys before christmas to get rid of the stuff they've outgrown, or no longer play with. Today we "boggied" their dvd's and vhs movies. They helped me, which isn't alway easy to do. Goodwill is my friend.
I started my christmas letter, I wasn't going to this year, but I guess I was being too grinch like. I said, what do I have to talk about? I worked, who wants to hear about that? Hubbie said, write about the girls. Yeah, when all else fails, write about kids, they have built in entertainment. Like the time my stubborn Bibi slipped off the seat into the toilet at McDonald's when she insisted that she didn't need any help from me.
Let's see, what else is on my todo list? Decorating the tree (it's already up), starting my christmas cards (the letter will go inside), and watching some of my christmas movies, maybe folding clothes while watching and drinking something hot. For tomorrow? Making cookies, my kids are going to go crazy if I don't make gingerbread men. Do we as humans, really derive some sick subconscious pleasure eating the limbs, one by one, off of the gingerbread man?
Oh, and maybe I should actually take a shower today....and take my meds. Have a good day everyone!