Wednesday, December 31, 2008

My Favorite Things

Yep. Your eyes are not deceiving you. I did change the background color on the blog from a blue to a slightly darker purple. I'm in love with purple for the moment. Actually, that moment has lasted for about 10 years. Guess I like purple. 

It's snowing, I'm drinking coffee and blogging. Yes, it's a perfect time. 

My girls have also decided it's a great time for a tea party. 

I adore these tiny ceramic tea sets.

So precious. Tea anyone?


sophanne December 31, 2008 at 11:28 AM  

me me me- I"ll have some tea. I love those little sets as well.

Anonymous January 13, 2009 at 7:32 AM  

Wow, I can't decide which blog background is best, the blue, purple, or this new one.:)
I didn't even know that they made tea sets so tiny! The Whinnie The Pooh theme is so cute.

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About This Blog

Hmm, seems somewhat redundant. I'm a mom of 2 lovely ladies. I'm the wife of a triathlete machine. I'm a general music teacher in a public school. I like to take pictures of things, especially things i consider beautiful. I like to share. As long as it isn't food. Enjoy!

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