Tuesday, December 28, 2010



Christmas and Candy Canes


Yeah, and so after all of the extravagance of christmas, and wallet-throwup everywhere, all i can say is "i want a....!!!"

I've spent my time off perusing my favorite photoblogs. I love photoblogs! If i didn't have a job that forced me to leave the house everyday, I'd spend my entire day reading photoblogs, discovering photoblogs, adding photoblogs to my google reader.

Anyhow I stumbled on this site
and saw this book:
Visual Poetry: A Creative Guide for Making Engaging Digital Photographs by Chris Orwig

and added it to my wish list.

The end.




About This Blog

Hmm, seems somewhat redundant. I'm a mom of 2 lovely ladies. I'm the wife of a triathlete machine. I'm a general music teacher in a public school. I like to take pictures of things, especially things i consider beautiful. I like to share. As long as it isn't food. Enjoy!

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