Christmas and a new, and a new, and a new...
The short version: we got some new toys for christmas. Although I consider myself the "Chuck" version of a Navigation System, (have i mentioned my freakish love of maps?), I bought Hubby a Garmin anyway. He wanted a navigation system that wouldn't yell at him because she was too busy looking at flowers to remember to tell him when to turn. Besides, now I get to stare at a digital map for the entire length of the trip. It's cool.
Hubby bought me a new camera. I'm so excited, I'm so excited!!!
I was so excited, I couldn't concentrate on reading mundane things like the manual. It took me 3 hours to figure out how to take a picture. Wow! I have a lot to learn. Anyhoo, now i can capture all of Bibi's moods.
Okay, so this wasn't actually taken on christmas day, but this is the only real smile i have from this goober.
No, Bibi, we are not going to open this yet.
Look Mom, look at my present, Mom, look; look Mom!
No, my present, don't look.
Uncles are good for joking around, especially Great-Uncles.
You want a knuckle sandwich?!
Getting grumpy.
And, yeah. It's time to shut out the world.
I feel like that too at times.
more beautiful pictures. thanks for sharing.
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