Peanut Butter Banana Breakfast
Okay folks, I tried it: Sophanne's Peanut Butter Breakfast and I like it! I love bananas and peanut butter together anyway, and bananas and milk, so it's a perfect fit.
I was searching everywhere for the crunchy peanut butter. I thought my kids, in their wrath, threw it out. I guess crunchy peanut butter on a pb&j would be an unpleasant surprise if one was expecting creamy peanut butter.
In my search I found two already opened creamy peanut butters in the fridge and one unopened jar of creamy peanut butter in my pantry. I also found an abandoned head of garlic by the oats, and a lone onion that should have been thrown out. I guess it's been 4 weeks since my pantry has seen the light of day.
Finally, during my third frantic search of the fridge, I found the crunchy pb in the door shelf. Really! The door shelves are no better than black holes in my fridge. For some reason they are always overlooked when I clean out my fridge. I'm sure an entire blog can be written on abandoned items (and the various life forms they have taken on) left in door shelves.
Finally a quote from my husband during our vacation in response to my complaining. This actually made me laugh; Hubbie said, "You took your happy pill right? So be happy."
Thanks Lydee! It's really pretty good-just not so great to look at.
Happy pill! Ha!
Black hole refrigerator. i believe that Bob has accidentally had an encounter with that black hole and is determined to vigilantly fight it. I can't tell you how many $4 bottles of salad dressing he's tossed believing them to have "gone bad." (Gone bad is defined as "I don't eat it so it MUST not be any good any more.")
It's driving him completely crazy to have two separate bean dishes and some extra rice in the refrigerator-he's a meat eater and the meatloaf for the week seems fine to him as well as the eggs that are more than six months old. I'm ok with the meat but eggs don't last forever.
Black hole refrigerator- you make me laugh!
Sounds a lot like my favorite breakfast: 1/2 c. oats (uncooked), 1 T. peanut butter (for the protein. mine's home-made. love that Vita Mix!) 1 T. ground flax (for the heart & bowels), couple shakes of cinnamon (for the blood glucose), and enough skim milk to make it edible. The banana would be a great addition. I'll try it next time. Your dad & brother aren't crazy about it but I love it.
Mom, you're hilarious! Sophanne, my hubbie secretly feels the same as GHB about beans. I love them, he tolerates them. Dinner to him has to include meat.
Reminds me of one of my fave quotes from My Big Fat Greek Wedding, "HE DON'T EAT NO MEAT! That's ok, I make lamb."
Yes, yes, yes, the refridgerator is a weird and wonderful (but mostly weird) place.
I had a couple hours out of the house last night—alone, that was my happy pill.
You are a far, far braver woman than I. No offense intended, Sophanne.
Did you ever hear George Carlin's "Refrigerator Man" routine? I laugh just thinking about it, since it describes the refrigerator in my house growing up.
Remember our fridge, Daughter-Dear? It's a little old Coldspot, 50 some years old (like me). I defrost it once a month with a pot of boiling water in the freezer part. As small as it is, it's still a challenge to find things in it, especially if you're a guy. It's like trying to solve a hidden pictures puzzle just for them to find the cheese! It is a faithful fridge & cheap to operate and a great place to hide things from the guyzos.
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