Thursday, August 23, 2007


(To the tune of Yesterday)
One thousand teachers and administraters in one room,
One speaker telling us our schools are doomed,
Oh, I'm so glad it's not yesterday.

Who's bright idea was it anyway,
To meet at the University (record enrollement of 27, 000 students).
Oh, I'm forced to park a mile away.

I fought with traffic and picked up my kids,
Went to the ice cream shop and ate like a pig,
Oh, I'm hoping for a Better Day.

Yes, I'm hoping for a Better Day.


...Sarah August 23, 2007 at 10:58 AM  

What does it mean? Will your school be closed? I hope it gets better.

Mayflower August 23, 2007 at 11:00 AM  

LOL!!!! You are so creative! At least you have an outlet ( i.e. the blog ) to let out the frustration. And K's thumb was still in the safety box door when I went to close it. Took chunk of thumb off. Blood galore. Okay now, thanks to also pigging out at ice cream shop. :) Here is to a better day.

sophanne August 23, 2007 at 4:36 PM  

I'm with you! According to all powers that be, we'll be sitting on our fat arses eating ice cream while China and India dance in circles around us. Technology being the answer, as the idea was reinforced today at a second staff development, the LCD player appropriately malfunctioned and we had no internet!

Lydee August 23, 2007 at 10:19 PM  

Oh no! I hope K's thumb heals soon! It sounds exciting over there!

Haley August 24, 2007 at 8:13 AM  

you are hilarious! loved the song!

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About This Blog

Hmm, seems somewhat redundant. I'm a mom of 2 lovely ladies. I'm the wife of a triathlete machine. I'm a general music teacher in a public school. I like to take pictures of things, especially things i consider beautiful. I like to share. As long as it isn't food. Enjoy!

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